This a remake of an other game that you can also play as a comparation. (still a demo)

The gameplay is easy, you need to collect trash in an amount of time while avoiding mines. how many mines there's is indicated by the sign and the out of something is how many trash you need to found and how many you found.

You can change tools by click the tool on the bottom right. (I recomend changing tool when you start a game)


Move it around the water to find things ! There is 5 stage of detection, stage 1 when there is nothing close what so ever so no bars, stage 2 with something still with one red bar on the dettector, then stage 3 with 2 bar red and orange... untile stage 5 when there is all 4 bars : red, orange, yellow and green. it means you found something so you can right click to mark it but if there is a red dot on that stage then right click again because it's a sea mine.


when you marked somthing and you know it's not a sea mine you can use your magnet to take (by left cliking) it out of the water and place it the crate in the bottom left (by also left clicking).

There is parameters in the menu that you shouldn't change for your first time playing but I won't go in detail on what they do because I'm lazy, I'll probably do it if people ask in the comment


Magneted Trash demo 29 MB

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